Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's reunion time again.

Anyone with any claim to the Beazer name was invited to the annual reunion. Nothing fancy, we meet for a pot luck lunch at Krupp Scout Hollow, (the original Beazer Family Farm), where we remind each other of who we are, and take a few pictures before heading across the road for train rides.
So who came...... Beth (oldest daughter of Irving) and her family

Wendell's (Oldest son of Irving) Son, Adrian and wife
Merle (2nd daughter of Irving) and family

Beverly (3rd daughter of Irving) and family

Richard's (2nd son of Irving) wife, son and daughter-in-law

Gay (next to youngest son of Irving) and Cheryl

Gerald and daughter, Steve and wife, (they belong to Roland, Irving's brother)

The Krupps (yup, that's where the Scout Hollow name comes from, and they belong to Irving's sister)

The living family that remembers hanging out at Grandma's house. Their parents, Roland and Irving made the blocks it is built from. Lot's of memories with these folks.

After eating, talking, reminiscing, taking and looking at pictures, and exploring the house it's time to ride the train, something that is enjoyed by all, young and not so young alike.
Loaded and ready for departure.

When you weren't on the train you could be found under the big pine tree enjoying more talking, reminiscing and have a great time.
Let's do it again next year.

1 comment:

baileymom said...

Well, we all had a great time! And we look forward to seeing you all again next year.