Saturday, February 6, 2010

Young in the Snow

It was an almost perfect day for to be a Young in the Snow. Trayce, the twins and their friend Joey cam up and spent the day playing. First they had to do a quick tune up on the machines. It's right up their ally, they love to tinker on engines. It only took two pulls to get them going.
Then the action began. Syd has a small field up by his shop that started out with about a foot of snow. Not now. It was well beaten down. The Twins, Denice and Joey discussing who should ride next and how long.

Joey and Trayce soaking up a little snow while they wait their turns.

Trayce and Syd

Brandon, Joey, Trayce, Tyler
It was fun day even if Syd is way tired. He's tempted to actually take a big ride (if he could just get to his trailer).