Saturday, August 8, 2009

Family Reunion

It's reunion time and with a Beazer reunion come certain things. Lots of food, good memories and of course train rides. Dinner this year was held across the road at Krupp Scout Hollow, which was originally the Beazer homestead and is now a cub scout day camp and other scouting things. (sorry I didn't get any pictures) The older relatives enjoyed reminiscing about what used to be where and the what they did. There was plenty of grass for the little ones to run and play. The only draw back was the dark clouds and brisk wind which kept coats on everyone. After eating and playing the action moved across the road to Beazerville and the Beazer ShortLine. Hats and scarves were handed out to all the little ones and off they went on their adventures/rides. Giggles and screams of delight were heard for the next two hours as they boarded, changed seats, rang the bell and just had fun. There were several that even snuck into the raspberry patch, and one that was bound, gagged and tied to the track
Some of the original train riders.
Gay, Beverly, Beth, Afton (Dick's wife) and Gerald the engineer.

Some of the older kids set up a game of horseshoes in the garden.

Like all good reunions we met some new-to-the-reunion cousins, gave rides to lots of first timers, old and young, and enjoyed ourselves. Even the bored teenagers seemed to have fun.

Let's do it again in a few years.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


John, Jacque and two of the cutest children became an Eternal Family. Despite getting caught behind a bad car accident, then having to go around and take the long way only to arrive late, yet just in time to get the job done, rain and lots of it, and other minor mishaps, it was a glorious day.
Parents watching their little ones on the steps of the temple.Just gotta touch the temple

The day was well worth the wait.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Grandma turns 80

What a weekend. Grandma turned 80. She is the baby of her family, with only one other living sibling. As many of the immediate family came to visit and play and party as were able to. (Travis and family got sick at the last minutes, we appreciate their decision not to share it with us, Wayne was off being a weekend warrior, Patrick was still at tech training, and Dave had to work at his new job.) The guest all trickled in over the week and we had a great time. Thursday some of them went to Bear World and got train rides. Friday some went to Jackson Hole to see the Bar J and other stayed close to home and went to a movie. Saturday was the party day.
Afton opening her birthday cards
Due to the wet weather, (it poured and poured and poured) we moved the party up to Syd's Church in Rexburg.
One of the activities was to decorate a visor (it was suppose to be hot and sunny) Everyone young and old was required to do one.
While dinner was cooking (main course was dutch oven Moroccan Chicken cooked by Mark and Becky in a regular oven because of the rain, VERY YUMMY) a rousing game of basketball and volleyball was played. It was certainly adventurous as the little ones ran through the court. Everyone was tired and happy at the end.

Every game needs a spectators club.

Even the spectators need a rest

Those not involved in the sports activities played board games, provided by Mark of course

After dinner we sang to Afton. Because we were at the church we couldn't light the candles.

The whole gang.

And now for a few shots of those attending.
Kristan and Melissa (our military wives, both husbands were off training for our country)

But Mom, I am so tired I don't want to smile and be happy

Rose and Derek (they had tent adventures, just ask them)

Ry Ry, taking a ride.

Cheese!!! when ever a camera comes out he knows what to say.

The Three Amigos

April and Britt

the Youngs

Mr. Attitude

It was a fun day despite the weather, lets do it again in 10 years.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Work Day 2009

Each year we have a work day at Grandma Beazer's place. Anyone who can come does. They work and play like only a family can. Raking, shoveling, trimming, cutting, and of course riding the train.

They gather to prepare a plan of action. Who is doing what and and when. Everyone has a say, young and old alike.
First you load them on the trailer and haul them up the road to work on the canal. It has to be cleaned out, branches, weeds and silt.The apple trees need to be trimmed.
The lawn mowed and raked. (Mark does a quick cloud check)
The raked grass then is spread on the garden
(red neck spreader)

Taking a break

A very important job, keeping the grass from blowing away.

Our Cheer Team "Work Harder"
He was anxious to ride the train, but not until the work was done. He sweetly encouraged all in his soft voice to "WORK HARDER"

Farmer Richard

Grass is meant to be played in like a pile of leaves.

When the call for the work day goes out the question of "Do we get to use the chain saw?" is asked. If the answer is yes then you can guarantee the Utah boys will be there. They like to show off who's the best.
Others are content to take on the tractor.

Look at me, I can drive it.

Uncle Syd is great to let even the little ones tackle it.

Even the "Batman brothers" can drive it. Ladders are no fear if you are batman
The last task of the day was to tackle the Raspberry patch. Of course the putty car was put to good use. Transporting the little ones who so patiently waited for the work to finish so they could ride the train.

Sometimes it took team work.
Yard work is hard work.
Boys will be boys and climb on everything.

It's finally time to ride the train. All pint sized engineers must wear the right hat and scarf.

Lining them up for the big ride is a challenge

Engineer in training.

Not everyone is as thrilled to wear a hat and scarf.

The first run of the season and of course it didn't want to start. All the men gathered round, gave their advice, poked and prodded, added fresh gas, checked the spark plugs, only to discover they had forgotten to pull out the on switch.

The blue eyed duo.


What picture show would be complete with out the rabbit ears. It's part of being a boy.

Thanks to everyone who helped. The yard looks great and, all in all it really was a lot of fun.