What do you get when you mix the Walker/Hendrix/Beazer family and white stuff. FUN, FUN, FUN in the snow. We (14 adults and 7 children, the oldest just turned 7) went up to Island Park for the adventure of the weekend.
The main group stayed here, (IP Bills Island)where there was plenty of help with the little ones. The others (without little children to keep track of) stayed at another friends cabin down the road and around the bend.
The morning we left it snowed.
But what did we do? Sit back and enjoy the show of all our adventures.
The cameras were out constantly, I took 200 pictures myself, (don't worry I didn't post all of them). They are not necessarily in order of what actually happened but just how they were uploaded.
I'm not sure what Riley's first words were but it didn't take long for her to learn "Cheese". A camera would appear and out it would come.
Wayne brought up his wii. Most everyone took a turn at playing, some more than others and some were just spectators (they didn't complain, they like to spectate). It was enjoyed by all but the very best to spectate was when the men (really just BIG boys) did a dance move competition. If I knew how to upload them in action I would. It was quite entertaining.
The morning we left it snowed.
But what did we do? Sit back and enjoy the show of all our adventures.
The cameras were out constantly, I took 200 pictures myself, (don't worry I didn't post all of them). They are not necessarily in order of what actually happened but just how they were uploaded.
I'm not sure what Riley's first words were but it didn't take long for her to learn "Cheese". A camera would appear and out it would come.
Brother Nate and Brandon taking some chill time. These boys have their share of challenges but they were so good.
Wayne brought up his wii. Most everyone took a turn at playing, some more than others and some were just spectators (they didn't complain, they like to spectate). It was enjoyed by all but the very best to spectate was when the men (really just BIG boys) did a dance move competition. If I knew how to upload them in action I would. It was quite entertaining.
Nate was up to the job.
The activities could be quite taxing and so a good nap was in order. Sometimes it was amazing they could do it with all the noise going on.
When there a spare moment a good game of cards, usually GOLF, was in action.
Rose and Grandma were so good to pose for the picture.
X-BOX was also available. It was an activity this young man was quite familiar with. He could beat almost anyone.
What goes with coats, gloves, hats, boots, and scarves? SNOW!!!!
We spent a fair amount side enjoying the white stuff.
Try getting 7 youngsters to sit still for a photo op with Great-Grandma.
We spent a fair amount side enjoying the white stuff.
Another activity was putting together puzzles.
John took his little ones for a ride on the snow mobiles. They loved it of course. (Actually he loved it more because he had his kids on with him.)
A true artist can do it anywhere even stretched out on the table.
Could be the next Da Vinci in the making.
Britney Boo was so proud of being able to say her ABCs. She took advantage of being able to record a copy of them on Rosie's phone.
Try getting 7 youngsters to sit still for a photo op with Great-Grandma.
Easier said than done. You can't see what was going on behind the camera or the sofa they were all sitting on. Let's just say it took some real creativity to accomplish this.
How many horse power is it?
Each night before bed, and of course when the final farewells were given, quality hugs and kisses were a plenty.
The little boys got a turn at the wii. The competition wasn't nearly as fierce but just as enjoyable to watch as a spectator.
Sledding was a real favorite. When you couldn't get someone to pull you with the 4 wheeler you settled for the two legged pull, which would wear out the puller rather quickly.
It was a family thing.
Whew, that wasn't a metal pole. Brandon tried digging out a tree but it was just too much for him.
Mother and daughter all bundled up.
One of the problems with playing in the snow is getting snow in your boots.
It was a family thing.
Melissa tried to make snow angels but I think she lost her head and got buried instead.
Travis and Crystal took a break from their boys. They loved the ride even if it was just a short one.
Waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.
We had a great time, we ate too much, stayed up too late, laughed too much, and had too much fun. Let's do it again.