It's reunion time and with a Beazer reunion come certain things. Lots of food, good memories and of course train rides. Dinner this year was held across the road at Krupp Scout Hollow, which was originally the Beazer homestead and is now a cub scout day camp and other scouting things. (sorry I didn't get any pictures) The older relatives enjoyed reminiscing about what used to be where and the what they did. There was plenty of grass for the little ones to run and play. The only draw back was the dark clouds and brisk wind which kept coats on everyone. After eating and playing the action moved across the road to Beazerville and the Beazer ShortLine. Hats and scarves were handed out to all the little ones and off they went on their adventures/rides. Giggles and screams of delight were heard for the next two hours as they boarded, changed seats, rang the bell and just had fun. There were several that even snuck into the raspberry patch, and one that was bound, gagged and tied to the track
Some of the original train riders.
Gay, Beverly, Beth, Afton (Dick's wife) and Gerald the engineer.
Some of the older kids set up a game of horseshoes in the garden.
Like all good reunions we met some new-to-the-reunion cousins, gave rides to lots of first timers, old and young, and enjoyed ourselves. Even the bored teenagers seemed to have fun.
Let's do it again in a few years.